Everything we ship from our warehouse is brand new, just as we received it from the manufacturer.
To ensure high quality standards, we check each and every product (outer package) before packaging and shipping. Despite this, unfortunately sometimes some products arrive defected (manufacturer defects or defects occur during transport).
In situations like this, we are happy to ship you a replacement.
FREE RETURN SHIPPING is also available for customers who receive defected product or do not receive the correct item. If you believe you’ve received defective or an incorrect item, contact us and we will then send you a Free Return Shipping Label.
Changed your mind on your purchase (unwanted item)
We’ve got you covered also in situations like this.
We offer you a 30 days money back guarantee on your order.
Due to health code regulations unwanted items must be returned in unopened and original shipping package. We hope that you understand that no one want to come in touch with potentially used sex toy. This is dangerous and STD can be spread because of this.
If your order has shipped and you no longer want it, once received, please DO NOT OPEN THE PACKAGE and please contact us so we will be able to assist you and make whole process easy and pleasant.
After your package have arrived at our facility, we will processes it within 7 business days. We process returns in the order they are received. Once we do, we will send you an email confirmation immediately after your refund is issued. We will issue you a full refund, minus shipping fees.