It’s as easy as search, order, receive

Super Discounts & Superb Quality

At Orgasmic Deals, we pride ourselves on offering only high-quality, authentic brand-name products that you know and love. In addition to our powerful 30-day money-back guarantee, Orgasmic Deals VIP Club members can take advantage of an incredible list of market-dominating benefits. Curious about how it works? Let’s explain!

Start Searching

Our prices are so highly discounted that our network of partner manufacturers won’t allow us to list them directly online. With up to 90% discounts straight from the manufacturer, we’re one of the best-priced places to find access to incredibly innovative, brand-new authentic products. Browse through over 15,000 items to find exactly what you need.  As a guest, you have access only to regular, manufacturer-recommended prices.

Check highly discounted, Orgasmic Deals VIP prices:

You can get a 48h trial access in seconds.
  • Click on the Join Us button on the home page
  • Click on the CHECK DISCOUNTED VIP PRICE button, displayed on every product page
  • Click on GET 48h UNLIMITED ACCESS TO DISCOUNTED PRICES FOR JUST $1 button, displayed on every product page
After getting the trial, you will have 48h full access to all prices. You will see regular and VIP prices that Orgasmic Deals VIP members are getting on every purchase.

Make a purchase

It’s like shopping in every other online store. Just click on the add to cart button and the product will be saved into your cart. After you finish shopping, just click on the CHECK MY CART or cart icon on the top of the page, and you will be transferred to your cart.

In the first section, you will see all products that you added to the cart with pictures, product names, quantity, and regular ( non discounted ) price.

You need to scroll down to the CART TOTALS where you will be able to choose how you want to proceed.

You have 2 options to choose from:

  • Purchase for the full regular price (without discount)

  • Make a purchase for a discounted price as an Orgasmic Deals VIP member.

If you choose to purchase a product for a discounted price, you can choose between monthly, quarterly, or yearly VIP membership.

As an Orgasmic Deals VIP member, you will have full access to discounted VIP pricing, free returns, manufacturer warranty, and priority customer support till the end of your membership period that you choose at the first purchase.

Receive Your Package

After placing your order, we’ll get to work on processing that item at the speed of light. Oftentimes, we can process your item on the same day or by the next business day. With guaranteed shipping from our US warehouse, your order will be on your doorstep in under 7 days. The rest is history!

FREE Returns, Money Back Guarantee, 100% Fast and Discreet Shipping, Best Price Guarantee, and Lifetime Support.

This is why Orgasmic Deals is the only Sex Toy shop you will need.

*You can cancel your membership anytime you want. Please note that yearly membership is valid for 1 year and will be charged every month. If membership is canceled before the 1 year period, early termination fees are charged for the remaining months.
Orgasmic Deals